VMware vCenter 5.1 下重装SQL Server 2008 R2数据库遇到的问题

vCenter里的SQL Server数据库满了,已经到了10GB。使用一键安装的vCenter包里面集成的是SQL Server R2 express版本,express版本的数据库都有限制,比如只能使用1个CPU内核,数据文件大小也有限制(2008 R2前是4G,R2提到了10G)。同事在安装VC的时候没有注意这一点,直接用在了生产虚拟化平台上……

思路是先备份数据库–重装为企业版SQL Server–恢复数据库。

到恢复数据库为止一切顺利,VC的服务却启动失败。查看日志: C:\ProgramData\VMware\VMware VirtualCenter\Logs\vpxd-xx.log

2014-06-09T17:51:26.208+08:00 [04252 error ‘Default’] SSLStreamImpl::DoClientHandshake (000000000bb5d600) SSL_connect failed. Dumping SSL error queue:

2014-06-09T17:51:26.217+08:00 [04252 error ‘Default’] [0] error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed

2014-06-09T17:51:26.220+08:00 [04252 error ‘HttpConnectionPool-000001′] [ConnectComplete] Connect failed to <cs p:000000000ac28180, TCP:win-h3s7ieeoe3h:7444>; cnx: (null), error: class Vmacore::Ssl::SSLVerifyException(SSL Exception: Verification parameters:

–> PeerThumbprint: E2:7B:BB:24:87:2A:0C:C1:03:BC:3E:75:B3:0B:79:A7:C4:2B:97:6A

–> ExpectedThumbprint: 

–> ExpectedPeerName: win-h3s7ieeoe3h

–> The remote host certificate has these problems:


–> * A certificate in the host’s chain is based on an untrusted root.


–> * Host name does not match the subject name(s) in certificate.)

2014-06-09T17:51:26.220+08:00 [00288 error ‘[SSO][SsoFactory_CreateFacade]’] Unable to create SSO facade: SSL Exception: Verification parameters:

–> PeerThumbprint: E2:7B:BB:24:87:2A:0C:C1:03:BC:3E:75:B3:0B:79:A7:C4:2B:97:6A

–> ExpectedThumbprint: 

–> ExpectedPeerName: win-h3s7ieeoe3h

–> The remote host certificate has these problems:


–> * A certificate in the host’s chain is based on an untrusted root.


–> * Host name does not match the subject name(s) in certificate.. 

2014-06-09T17:51:26.221+08:00 [00288 error ‘vpxdvpxdMain’] [Vpxd::ServerApp::Init] Init failed: Vpx::Common::Sso::SsoFactory_CreateFacade(sslContext, ssoFacadeConstPtr)

–> Backtrace:

–> backtrace[00] rip 000000018018a8ca 

–> backtrace[01] rip 0000000180102f28 

–> backtrace[02] rip 000000018010423e 

–> backtrace[03] rip 000000018008e00b 

–> backtrace[04] rip 00000000003d5c2c 

–> backtrace[05] rip 00000000003f6512 

–> backtrace[06] rip 00000001409e0701 

–> backtrace[07] rip 00000001409da51c 

–> backtrace[08] rip 0000000140bfc92b 

–> backtrace[09] rip 000007fefeaca82d 

–> backtrace[10] rip 0000000077a8f56d 

–> backtrace[11] rip 0000000077cc3281 


2014-06-09T17:51:26.221+08:00 [00288 warning ‘VpxProfiler’] ServerApp::Init [TotalTime] took 4105 ms

2014-06-09T17:51:26.221+08:00 [00288 error ‘Default’] Failed to intialize VMware VirtualCenter. Shutting down…

2014-06-09T17:51:26.221+08:00 [00288 info ‘vpxdvpxdSupportManager’] Wrote uptime information

2014-06-09T17:51:34.143+08:00 [01580 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-701d9c61] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12000 ms

2014-06-09T17:51:46.209+08:00 [04924 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-5e2d21d2] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12001 ms

2014-06-09T17:51:58.275+08:00 [04908 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-202bab02] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12001 ms

2014-06-09T17:52:10.338+08:00 [04828 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-d16eb4ef] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12000 ms

2014-06-09T17:52:22.312+08:00 [04908 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-4675184] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12001 ms

2014-06-09T17:52:22.517+08:00 [00288 info ‘Default’] Forcing shutdown of VMware VirtualCenter now


根据日志报错,好像是SSL 证书验证的问题,我刚改过VC的配置文件vpxd.conf,赶紧把文件里面的FQDN改回去,再启动VC还是报错:

2014-06-09T18:56:30.897+08:00 [02400 error ‘HttpConnectionPool-000001′] [ConnectComplete] Connect failed to <cs p:000000000a9635d0, TCP:win-h3s7ieeoe3h.core.lhjdomain:7444>; cnx: (null), error: class Vmacore::SystemException(由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。 )

2014-06-09T18:56:30.898+08:00 [04816 error ‘[SSO][SsoCertificateManagerImpl]’] [CreateAdminSsoServiceContent] Failure while trying to connect to SSO Admin server: 由于目标计算机积极拒绝,无法连接。  . Will retry in 10 seconds.

2014-06-09T18:56:35.423+08:00 [02644 warning ‘VpxProfiler’ opID=SWI-631f293f] VpxUtil_InvokeWithOpId [TotalTime] took 12000 ms

2014-06-09T18:56:40.885+08:00 [04952 info ‘Default’] Thread attached

2014-06-09T18:56:41.186+08:00 [04816 error ‘Default’] Found dangling SSL error: [0] error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)

2014-06-09T18:56:41.186+08:00 [04816 error ‘Default’] Found dangling SSL error: [1] error:00000001:lib(0):func(0):reason(1)

2014-06-09T18:56:41.186+08:00 [04816 error ‘[SSO][SsoFactory_CreateFacade]’] Unable to create SSO facade: vmodl.fault.SystemError. 

2014-06-09T18:56:41.187+08:00 [04816 warning ‘VpxProfiler’] Vpxd::ServerApp::Init [Vpx::Common::Sso::SsoFactory_CreateFacade(sslContext, ssoFacadeConstPtr)] took 11355 ms

2014-06-09T18:56:41.187+08:00 [04816 error ‘vpxdvpxdMain’] [Vpxd::ServerApp::Init] Init failed: Vpx::Common::Sso::SsoFactory_CreateFacade(sslContext, ssoFacadeConstPtr)

–> Backtrace:


报错也很明显,VC连接不上SSO,SSO是vCenter 5.0开始增加的一个组件,用于单点登录验证。估计是SSO不正常,查看SSO服务状态是“已启动”,翻日志,在C:\Program Files\VMware\Infrastructure\SSOServer\logs文件夹下面,catalina.2014-06-09.log文件是SSO服务的启动日志:

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.198 SEVERE [pool-3-thread-1] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Error listenerStart

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.199 SEVERE [pool-3-thread-1] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext.startInternal Context [/ims] startup failed due to previous errors

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.202 INFO [pool-3-thread-1] com.sun.xml.ws.transport.http.servlet.WSServletContextListener.contextDestroyed WSSERVLET13: JAX-WS context listener destroyed

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.224 SEVERE [pool-3-thread-1] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.clearReferencesThreads The web application [/ims] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-3] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.225 SEVERE [pool-3-thread-1] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.clearReferencesThreads The web application [/ims] appears to have started a thread named [Thread-4] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak.

09-Jun-2014 18:58:35.226 SEVERE [pool-3-thread-1] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader.checkThreadLocalMapForLeaks The web application [/ims] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [com.sun.xml.ws.api.streaming.XMLStreamReaderFactory$Default$1] (value [com.sun.xml.ws.api.streaming.XMLStreamReaderFactory$Default$1@287efdd8]) and a value of type [com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl] (value [com.sun.xml.internal.stream.XMLInputFactoryImpl@294b84ad]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.

先是报了2个java的错误,然后提示“memory leak”,没有指向很明确的有用信息。

再检查其它SSO的日志文件 localhost_access_log.2014-06-09.txt: – – [09/Jun/2014:17:55:12 +0800] “GET /sso-adminserver/sdk HTTP/1.1″ 500 593 – – [09/Jun/2014:17:59:54 +0800] “POST /lookupservice/sdk HTTP/1.1″ 404 1078



最后在日志文件localhost.2014-06-09.log 中总算找到了指向明确的信息:

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [com.rsa.ims.components.spring.SecurityAwareClassPathXmlApplicationContext]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘DatabaseMetadataBean’ defined in class path resource [ims-components-common.xml]: Instantiation of bean failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Could not instantiate bean class [com.rsa.ims.common.DatabaseMetadataBean]: Constructor threw exception; nested exception is org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (用户 ‘RSA_USER’ 登录失败。)

at org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils.instantiateClass(BeanUtils.java:141)

at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.SimpleInstantiationStrategy.instantiate(SimpleInstantiationStrategy.java:105)

at org.springframework.beans.factory.support.ConstructorResolver.autowireConstructor(ConstructorResolver.java:278)

… 27 more

出现了很多java报错,都是报用户 RSA_USER 登录失败。RSA_USER是SSO连接SQL Server数据库时使用的用户,手工用这个用户连一下确实连接失败。

问题就出在这里:RSA_USER用户在RSA数据库中是存在的,但是在SQL中不存在,也就是说恢复SQL Server中的数据库后在SQL层面的用户不会被恢复,需要手工重新创建:

  • Run the following sql query against the SSO database to show all unmapped users of the database: sp_change_users_login report
  • Now create a new SQL User (SQL Authentication) at the SQL Server level not at database level. Name this user RSA_USER and use the same password the database RSA_USER has. Set the default database to RSA (the SSO database).
  • Run the following sql query against the SSO database to map the user RSA_USER (server level) to the RSA_USER (database level): sp_change_users_login ‘update_one’, ‘RSA_USER’, ‘RSA_USER’
  • To check if things worked out, rerun the query against the SSO database. The RSA_USER should not show up: sp_change_users_login report
  • At SQL Server level create the SQL user RSA_DBA and be sure to use the same password you previously used. (Well, you can always reset it later on).
  • After the RSA_DBA user has been created, open the properties of the user and now set this user as the owner of the SSO database



VMware vCenter Server 5.x fails to start after upgrading Single Sign-On configuration from vSphere 5.1 to vSphere 5.5

vCenter Server 5.5 fails to start after reboot with the error: Unable to create SSO facade: Invalid response code: 404 Not Found (2061412)

 VirtualCenter Server service fails to start with the error: Unable to create SSO facade: vmodl.fault.SystemError

 Updating the vCenter Single Sign-On server database configuration

How to move VMware Single Sign On (SSO) database  (重点的一篇)